Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Whatever Happened to Common Sense?

Do you ever feel so small in this world? Like you have no capability, no influence….But then at the same time you just want to smack some common sense into people?…we have so much potential who knows the great things we can achieve! Technological advancements, beautiful minds, an interlocking society with an expansive network that one can barely even begin to ponder at without a sense of awe. 

Why there are not more innovative people out there baffles me. It's unbelievable, and in my opinion unacceptable. We live in a world where we don't even have the words to express ourselves so we can't. We walk through streets filled with individuals carrying blind hatred, chauvinism, homophobia, fundamentalism…rapists…mere lack of acknowledgement of another living, breathing, experiencing being. We're pitiful at best, bystanders at the worst. Care, respect, acceptance…Dignity! Where are they? Lying in a gutter somewhere in the outskirts, banished. 

Little me? No, if I think about it that way then that is who I am and who I will be. The mind perpetuates the irrationality that the will carries out. I will transform myself and my thoughts, separating all that I am from the disillusions so engrained in society. The first step, and it is so simple: approach questions with reason. Challenge everything you have ever thought to be true. Criticize, analyze, research, but most of all listen.

You cannot build a dream without hearing others and this takes acknowledgement. The other component is understanding. Find the deeper meaning and assess its congruency, its utility…back it up. It'll be worth it in the end. It'll be the only thing that will bring about the transformation we truly need.

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